Professional Counseling & Psychotherapy


September 21, 2018
In an earlier post (On the Way to Becoming an Adult), I described advantages and disadvantages in relation to the developing teenage brain. While the draw to novelty, risk, and peer relations helps to prepare teenagers for becoming independent adults, their impulsivity can also be hazardous. As teenagers are finding their way through adolescence, it...
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With recent technology, we have learned that a great deal of brain development takes place through the teen years all the way up to at least age 25. From age 12 to 25, communication between brain cells gradually increases by a hundred times. But it is to the teenager’s advantage that these physical changes move...
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We are continuing to learn more and more about how brain cells behave. We know now that neurons can respond to change. This is what we mean by neuroplasticity. And neuroplasticity may be involved in maintaining a normal mood in response to experiences in our relationships and our lives. Bipolar disorder may involve difficulties with...
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Among those afflicted with one or more episodes of major depression, there are differences in the kinds of symptoms experienced. Some individuals feel sad, empty, or hopeless. Others lose interest in almost all activities. One’s appetite may decrease or increase. One may have difficulty sleeping or sleep excessively. One may behave restlessly or become lethargic....
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