First, we must distinguish between an obsessive-compulsive personality disorder (OCPD) and an obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD). They are not the same although they may have commonalities, and an individual could have both. For individuals with obsessive-compulsive disorder, the compulsive behavior is an effort to resolve obsessive doubt. In a classic example, the individual checks to see...Read More
In an earlier post (Why Is Sexual Violence So Prevalent in Our Society Today), I shared information regarding the prevalence of sexual violence and the importance of talking with teenagers about healthy relationship behavior. About 1 in 10 teens have been physically or sexually abused on a date. The U.S. Department of Health and Human...Read More
Tragically, sexual violence and abusive behavior have been prevalent throughout history. It has never been uncommon for the most vulnerable individuals, particularly women, children, and those who are handicapped to be preyed upon by perpetrators of violent and controlling behavior. And it has a long history of being ignored or dismissed. Sigmund Freud, for example,...Read More
Teenagers with avoidant disorders may struggle with a chronic state of heightened anxiety which can impede their ability to make friends and participate in social activities. They may lack confidence, struggle with feelings of low self-worth, have difficulty expressing themselves, and exhibit extreme sensitivity to criticism. Their fear of rejection can become so extreme that...Read More
In an earlier post (Attachment Styles), I shared information regarding individuals with insecure attachment styles who may be anxious or avoidant in relating closely with others as adults. While growing up, one or both of their parents may not have been consistent in attending to them, nurturing them, guiding them, and encouraging them. Or they...Read More
John Bowlby, the father of attachment theory, described several characteristics of attachment including the desire to be near those we are attached to, the feeling of being securely attached while separated, and the comfort experienced in turning to those with whom we are attached in times of distress. Mary Ainsworth described three major styles of...Read More
People have been known to make New Year’s resolutions for at least 4000 years. Throughout history, New Year’s has been a time for renewal. And it is a terrific and inspiring tradition. When we devote ourselves to embracing a new experience in our lives, dedicate ourselves to acting firmly on a course of action, and...Read More
Christmas, that special time of year. Such a wonderful experience! But what makes Christmas so special? Christmas morning, we wake up feeling excited. We’ve been making preparations, thinking of others, planning gifts, and arranging visits. Our purpose in preparing for Christmas has been about giving, about connecting with our family members and friends, and about...Read More
Well, it’s that time of year! We’re looking forward to Thanksgiving and all the holidays ahead. It’s a time for families and friends to come together and enjoy feasts and festivities. Of course, it’s also a time for making decisions, working out plans, and collaborating with one another in order to agree on those decisions...Read More
Are you struggling with poor self-esteem? Do you think negatively, constantly compare yourself with others, overreact to what others think without regard for what you think, dwell over mistakes or failures, or set low expectations for yourself? Would you like to improve your self-esteem? Well first, it may be more helpful to consider whether our...Read More
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